Drabreim Sector

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The Drabreim Sector was a region of space located in Pilgrim's Esplanade, that was locked in a time lock device by the Arckasians for unknown reasons.

The defeat of the Anathema, however, resulted in the time lock being disabled, freeing the sector and its inhabitants (for whom, mere moments passed between lock and unlock).

A couple years after the end of the Anathema Wars, explorers discovered the Drabreim Sector.

Locations in the Sector

Star Systems

Sunovix System

The Sunovix System is home to the planet Sunov, home to the Sunovian race, and capital of the Sunovite Concordium.

Lael’ar System

The Lael'ar System is home to the planet Lael, home to the Lael'eth race, and capital of the Lael'eth Directorate.

Thadal System

The Thadal System is home to the planet Lacus Thadal, home to the Syreni race, and capital of the Syreni United Territories.

Korolos System

The Korolos System is home to the moon Korolos VB, home to the Kallekite race, and core territory of the Kallekite Hive.

Astronomical Bodies